Friday, October 30, 2020



Steven has brought to my attention some online communication from the Quaker Universalist Fellowship, which like us 1) meets online, 2) is considering affiliation with FGC or perhaps a Yearly Meeting, and 3) has noticed the spirit with which Quakers find and use zoom.

I would like to point out that, although COVID caused hundreds if not thousands of Quakers to find and use zoom, we were here before COVID. The need among isolated people for some kind of online fellowship existed before COVID and will still be here if there is a beautiful vaccine tomorrow. If zoom meetings cause Quakers to be a little less geographically limited then in the big picture that is probably good for Quakerism and certainly for the Quakers I know.

Now, as for aligning with or joining a Monthly Meeting or a Yearly Meeting, I am a little more hesitant. Karl has suggested a weekend gathering that would allow us to explore our needs as a community and figure out what we could do about them. One thing we could do would be to talk about them a lot more. And I have no doubt: there are people out there who need as much of Quakerism as we could offer them.

As of now, we have decided nothing; we have no plans for expansion or change. We are a worship group; we are a community; we meet at 6:00 US Mountain Time every First Day (Sunday). That's it. I am grateful for our small meeting as it is and if the entrepreneurial spirit never arises to take advantage of the zoom boom, I'm ok with that. I also feel that we could use the structure we have (this blog, our facebook, our e-mail) to get bigger if members support that idea. It's a busy season, though, and I'm busier than most. Carrying on, itself, is sometimes my biggest challenge.

Woodbrooke - Online Quaker opportunities

 This is from Steven:

25 October to 1 November only UK and Europe is only four hours ahead of Eastern USA.

I would recommend the hour long meetings at 6:30am estern time Sunday, which is the world's largest outside Pendle Hill and the 3:30pm half hour on Sunday, which gets people from the West coast coming.

I would also recommend the 7am hour long meeting on Thursday.

There are twelve meetings per week at different times, including evening ones, which will be 3:30pm Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday and 5pm Wednesday and Friday Eastern time.

New Spanish-speaking online Quaker group

This is from Daniel:

Greetings Friends,

Bertha Peña (from Mexico) and I (from Honduras) started this group for Spanish-speaking isolated Friends, we meet for worship and fellowship every Thursday. Our group started last month and is mostly attended by Friends from Pacific Yearly Meeting, but some of us are unaffiliated because of geographic isolation. At the moment we are not under the care of another Quaker body.

En amistad,
Daniel Lean-Moctezuma

I will provide more details as they become available! Good luck Daniel & Bertha!

Friday, October 16, 2020

The Friend

 from Steven:

 During Quaker week Britain Yearly Meeting usually produce many extra copies of The Friend to be distributed free by meeting houses who pay £5 for ten copies. This year they have produced a free PDF. A year’s online suscription is £74, with an overseas Friends Quarterly is £97. An overseas paper suscription is £140, £159 with Friends Quarterly. Overseas Friends Quarterly is £23. The special introductory offer of eight issues for £5 I have arranged to be avaiable overseas for £12 as I often send them to US prisoners. Just mention I recommended it to Penny Dunn An American Monthly Meeting may consider getting six members to subscribe to the introductory paper offer in consecutive periods to donate to the Meeting House Library so the meeting could discern whether to buy a digital susbscription. There is also a free 30 day online subscription, which gives you access to the archives.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Pine Ridge Connection

This is from Barbara Zukowksi:

If anyone feels moved to donate near new or new clothing, near new sneakers or boots, blankets, or kitchen ware in near new condition, the contact person and exact shipping address are:

Gloriana Under Baggage
Post Office Box 773
5.6 Miles East on BIA 2 @ Red Water Dam
Kyle, SD 57752

Cell- (605) 454-2567 (voice and text)

Gloriana is located in the Medicine Root district, which is in the center of the reservation, and she teaches high school level there. She's been handling donations of needed items for years, and would be happy to communicate with anyone with questions.

Gloriana says, "What the FedEx and UPS drivers do is call me to check the condition of our road. At times we meet at our approach, other times I meet them in town since we live 5.6 miles east of Kyle Village. It all works out and have never lost a package."

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Pendle Hill

Several Cloud Quakers friends forward various Pendle Hill schedules, etc. I am all in favor of Pendle Hill and feel that we Quakers who have moved online need to stay in touch with each other and support each other. In that spirit I am forwarding this link:

Pendle HIll Upcoming Events

As I write the third one down is of a promising Reading Group online. I have no idea about these things (how much they charge, what they're like, etc.) but am glad to forward them just in the spirit of spreading the news.

This lecture is also tomorrow:

Quakers are not generally big on putting one day above the others in terms of making things like Christmas or World Quaker Day somehow more holy than the rest. But today happens to be the day when I'm gathering these things, and putting them up here for world Quakers to see.

Happy World Quaker Day!

Happy World Quaker Day - Resources and News

Hello! I have been busy and have been unable to put things up that people want to share with the group. So here they are.

I failed to get word out to the World Quaker Day people to let them know that we are here, and we are World Quakers. I could do a lot more to publicize and spread the word, but I have my hands full as it is.

First, Maurine says "My spirit is strong but my body is weak." This is her reason for not attending recently. That, and she is involved in other Quaker things that leave her tired by 6:00 PM Mountain time (it is later in Illinois, and still later in the east). By the way she has shared her Jonathan Plummer lecture here:

1998 Jonathan Plummet Lecture by Maurine Pyle

Miriam shares an Indigo girls song that she was talking about:
Closer to Fine

Barbara shares the following:

The 6 hour, 5 CD set I have been listening to and studying intently for more than a year is published by Audio Literature, and is a translation of French theologian Jean-Yves Leloup's work, read by and with a forward by the wonderful American philosopher Jacob Needleman. One of my interested patients shared that he was able to download it to his Kindle very, very inexpensively. I have a cache of about 6 new and unused 5-CD sets snagged off of the internet at one point, ready to share with anyone seriously interested. Aside from most of the Gospel on disc 1, I find most profound discs 2 and 5, for Needleman's commentary alone. Feel free to share.

Barbara is not on the list, but if you leave comments here, I think we can make sure you get them.

She also shares a plum sauce recipe:

Wild Plum Sauce

with the following comments:

"I freeze my yard plums whole (especially after storms and hurricanes) and then make this easy stove top sauce during the rest of the year. If you're not a vegan but vegetarian, it's nice with whitefish and for glazing salmon with, and served with shrimp, dumplings, spring rolls, and more!"

This one is actually for me, since I have just transplanted plum trees, but my plum trees are years from producing. Putting this here will at least help me find it. As you may be aware, I'm not so good with e-mail.

Daniel shares this YouTube:

Purple America, We need to talk

And finally, this video is for World Quaker Day, shared by Maurine:

How Many Quakers are there in the World? (And Where are They?)

I am still pulling things off my e-mail. More to come....

Beginner's Guide to Quakerism

Beginner's Guide to Quakerism by Maurine Pyle, Margaret Katranides, Thomas Leverett, and Fernando Freire $3.83 + postage on Amazon ...