Sunday, April 25, 2021
It is true that they are a little too successful in this area, and are somewhat of a hazard - not only on the road, but also in town, eating at the park or in the schoolyard where young kids could get hurt or trampled. It's not ideal. But shooting them wasn't quite cool either. For one thing, this person just left them there for someone else to clean up.
The question is, what is a good Quaker to do? I've been mulling it over. You can join the conversation, if there is one. It's mostly me and myself. I admit, I don't know what to do...
Milhous Cousins
Somewhat upbeat after seeing my John Bartram play performed on zoom, I have stepped up efforts to finish my new book of Quaker closet plays. Here is the latest one:
It is a story of Richard Nixon and Jessamyn West, second cousins who grew up in the East Whittier Friends Church community in what one could call rural LA (is that possible?). Jessamyn is in contrast to Nixon partly because, though not staying Evangelical as she was raised, she used her writing to explore Quakerism and took it seriously as a lifelong interest. Nixon, on the other hand, did not even try to be a Quaker, and ended up justifying burglary as a political action with political motives and justification.
As it says clearly on top, this is a first draft. If you see anything objectionable or even non-factual, I'd like to know. Most of the things they said, and I'm referring mostly to Jessamyn here, I'm not sure they actually said, but I tried to make them at least agreeable. In other words, I am not aware Jessamyn ever said anything about Nixon, besides that they were related, but I had her saying things that she wouldn't get mad about my attributing to her, hopefully. After all, Nixon was a public figure, and almost everyone had at least something to say about him.
Beginner's Guide to Quakerism
Beginner's Guide to Quakerism by Maurine Pyle, Margaret Katranides, Thomas Leverett, and Fernando Freire $3.83 + postage on Amazon ...
Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life by Peter Godfrey-Smith Episode 5: Our Minds and Others
Hello! My name is Erika, and though I am not a Quaker presently, I have started attending the Cloud Quaker's weekly worship in 2021. My ...
I've been saying this a lot on Quaker websites where I advertise my new book (below post), Ten Quaker Closet Plays . I thought I'd e...