Wednesday, November 2, 2022

George Lakey

Strawberries and Friends,
You are invited to join San Francisco Friends to hear George Lakey talk about his new book, Dancing with History, on Sunday Nov 6, 1pm (either in person at their meetinghouse or on the zoom link listed below). I reviewed his book (favorably!!) in the most recent issue of Western Friend (if anyone has an electronic link to my review, please share). George has had and continues to have an inspiring, courageous and joyful life, with ups and downs and lots of heart. His passions include social and racial justice, economic equity, peace and the environment.
Berkeley Friends on the SCMM listserve, please share this announcement with BMM.
Come be inspired!
Shelley Tanenbaum
Here is San Francisco Frinends' invitation:
Dear Friends,
Our dear Friend, George Lakey will be speaking about his memoir, Dancing With History at SF Meeting on Sunday, Nov. 6 1pm (SF Meeting's Second hour) at 65 9th St. See the review in Western Friend for an excellent review of George's new book/Memoir. This will be both in person and available on Zoom. For those of you who do not know George, George is an inspiration and a blessing for the Society of Friends and the world.
Here is the link for those who will join us by Zoom
(the same link as the SF Meeting zoom link). George's book will also be available for those who would like a copy.
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 945 0533 2599Passcode: 403953One tap mobile+16699006833,,94505332599#,,,,*403953# US (San Jose)+16694449171,,94505332599#,,,,*403953# US
Hope you can join us.
Warm Greetings and Peace,
David Hartsough

Beginner's Guide to Quakerism

Beginner's Guide to Quakerism by Maurine Pyle, Margaret Katranides, Thomas Leverett, and Fernando Freire $3.83 + postage on Amazon ...