Sunday, September 13, 2020

books recommended

from Steven:
I would recommend a fairly old book by Fritjof Kapra, The Tao of Physics (originally from the 70s.)

The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism

by Fritjof Capra  | Sep 14, 2010
My father had recommended to him Gary Zukav "The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics" which mostly is a good general account of subatomic phsycis which only in the last chapter explains how particles are really dancing relationships of fields and relates that to the Buddhist concept of Emptiness.
My father bought it me when it was first published in about 1979

The only book I managed to read during the  six years I was given clozapine, 2000-2006 which spiritually crippled me so much I could not inspire my wife not to neglect herself to death was 
The Quark and the Jaguar by Murray Gell-Mann

The Quark and the Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and the Complex

by Murray Gell-Mann  | Apr 1, 1994
It is a very thorough book written by the man who first postulated the Quark.
He is a memebr of a group in New Mexico who explore the boundaries between a mystical awareness and a Western approach to science, politics and economics.

For a more modern approach written by a quantum astro-physicist who decries the atheism of much of Western scientists Bernard Haisch  The God Theory
His theory is that God cerated many universes, each with only a fraction of the possibilities from which to produce good.  As each univrse develops it creates a richness which goes beyiond anything that God could have conceived.  It is like seeing a movie made only of three colours filtered.  In mystical states one sees the white light that contains all possibilities, but to produce a film that tells a story you need the indvidual colours.  He pointed me to The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley 1945

The Perennial Philosophy: An Interpretation of the Great Mystics, East and West by Huxley, Aldous(July 28, 2009) 

It is an excellent work which quotes from many authors and scriptures and quotes extensively from 18th century English Quaker, William Law, who’s view on eternity and the fact that Quakers think the resurrection of Christ is more an eternal truth than an event in history that saved man from sin he says is more like Buddhism than he rest of Christianity.
This has some really good funny parables about some of the logic denying principles of quantum theory such as the Schroedingr’s cat paradox and the entanglement of pairs of electrons that seem to know which spin is measured in the oopposite half of a pair, even though they are moving away from each other at near the speed of light.  He really lays into the vengeful God of the Old Testament.

The best book on the theology of quantum theory and how primitive people don’t separate the spiritual from the physical as I didn’t since infancy is

Quantum Theology: Spiritual Implications of the New Physics

by Diarmuid O'Murchu | AJan 1, 2000
It also tells how liberation theology and post colonial and new feminist theology is returning to a quantum based approach where relationships are more important than the objects which the relationships are between.
Part of a quantum awareness is the holographic nature of reality that the whole is contained in every part, but the whole is much more than the sum of its parts.
There is an extensive bibliography in it.

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