Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Quaker History

 Date:  Wednesday, February 22

Time: 5:30 PM MST/6:30 PM CST

Online:  (Zoom invitation below)


Are you interested in Quaker history? Especially lesser-known aspects, like Quakers in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast? Join us on Wednesday, February 22, for a program presented by Max L. Carter, a recently retired professor of Quaker Studies at Guilford College, for a journey through 350 years of Quaker settlement in and contributions to the Southeast. Focusing on Virginia and North Carolina, the presentation will examine the “whys and hows” of the first Friends in the early British Colonies, the challenges they faced, their response to war and slavery, the near-extinction of Quaker community in the region, how it was revived, and what it looks like today in all its variegated forms.  


Presenter Bio:


Max L. Carter retired in 2015 as the William R. Rogers Director of Friends Center and Quaker Studies at Guilford College. Raised in a Hoosier farming community settled by Quakers who came from Virginia and North Carolina in the 19th-century anti-slavery migrations, he went on to a 45-year career in Quaker education in Palestine, Indiana, Philadelphia, and Greensboro, North Carolina. A recorded Friends minister, he is a member of New Garden Friends Meeting in Greensboro, where he continues to live with his wife Jane. Along with his interest in Quaker history and spirituality, Max leads annual service-learning groups with his wife to Palestine and Israel. Among his publications are "College Spirit," "Tales from the New Garden Friends Graveyard," "Palestine and Israel: A Personal Encounter," and numerous articles and encyclopedia entries.


Host: Willard E. White, PhD.  Should you have questions regarding this program or the link, please contact Willard at 708.710.5725 or by email:  

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 895 7480 0604

Passcode: 007880


Friday, February 10, 2023

Meeting for Business


Outsiders to Quakers would figure that meeting for Business is all about the money. That would be who gives, where it goes, where to go from here. In our case I can cover that in about two minutes, and do, on demand, whenever anyone wants. It's pretty simple and we don't have a meetinghouse or cemetery to maintain.

The suggestion was made last week that we have a meeting for business. That would mean we worship together with the purpose of deciding things as a meeting: we might decide, for example, to have a minute about Ukraine, or about Turkey, or about the latest mass shooting. While it's true that any one of us can make a statement about these things by ourselves, a statement by a group of people made in harmony always carries more weight. And in fact, anything that a group of people decide to do together, in harmony, is more likely to get done than if each of us ourselves tackle it.

That to me is the justification for meeting for business. We aren't a meeting until we have one, but, to me, that's the least of our concerns. We've been a worship group for three years, and that's perfectly ok. If it's time to move up in the world of Quaker meetings, it's time. The next step might be to ask a Yearly Meeting to take us in, and if we're led to do that, we will.


Copied from Kate Bregman's post, on the Facebook site, Quaker Prayer Group, Mar. 18, but I believe it's still accurate. 


I believe this is the newest link for Holding Ukraine & Russia.

Here is the Zoom link for the Meeting for Worship:

Meeting ID: 416 500 5614
Passcode: 182805

and the full schedule of the start time in different countries:

07:00am Honolulu
09:00am Pacific
12:00pm Eastern US
05:00pm London
06:00pm Paris
07:00pm Kyiv
08:00pm Moscow

With thanks to Julie Harlow (a member of Davis Friends Meeting, Pacific Yearly Meeting) for organising this initiative.


Beginner's Guide to Quakerism

Beginner's Guide to Quakerism by Maurine Pyle, Margaret Katranides, Thomas Leverett, and Fernando Freire $3.83 + postage on Amazon ...