Friday, February 10, 2023

Meeting for Business


Outsiders to Quakers would figure that meeting for Business is all about the money. That would be who gives, where it goes, where to go from here. In our case I can cover that in about two minutes, and do, on demand, whenever anyone wants. It's pretty simple and we don't have a meetinghouse or cemetery to maintain.

The suggestion was made last week that we have a meeting for business. That would mean we worship together with the purpose of deciding things as a meeting: we might decide, for example, to have a minute about Ukraine, or about Turkey, or about the latest mass shooting. While it's true that any one of us can make a statement about these things by ourselves, a statement by a group of people made in harmony always carries more weight. And in fact, anything that a group of people decide to do together, in harmony, is more likely to get done than if each of us ourselves tackle it.

That to me is the justification for meeting for business. We aren't a meeting until we have one, but, to me, that's the least of our concerns. We've been a worship group for three years, and that's perfectly ok. If it's time to move up in the world of Quaker meetings, it's time. The next step might be to ask a Yearly Meeting to take us in, and if we're led to do that, we will.

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