Monday, July 17, 2023

Friends Journal does Virtual Meetings

Quinn forwarded this link to me; I haven't had time to digest it thorughly. Apparently it starts with a podcast on this page. My hearing is not that great, so I'm not in the habit of getting information from podcasts. It's interesting, though, and it addresses an issue close to our hearts: how can we make our virtual meetings better?

I must say, we've been working on it. We have a lot to say about it. We've been trying for years now; we've been here since before the pandemic. We should be able to speak to the issue.

I'm not sure how well the comments function on this blog, but I encourage you to give it a try. Better yet, come visit our meeting and give us a piece of your mind.

You can find the details on Facebook if not on this very blog.


I've been altogether way too quiet on this blog, and it definitely has not turned out to be what I envisioned, but I guess I'll keep...