Sunday, October 4, 2020

Pendle Hill

Several Cloud Quakers friends forward various Pendle Hill schedules, etc. I am all in favor of Pendle Hill and feel that we Quakers who have moved online need to stay in touch with each other and support each other. In that spirit I am forwarding this link:

Pendle HIll Upcoming Events

As I write the third one down is of a promising Reading Group online. I have no idea about these things (how much they charge, what they're like, etc.) but am glad to forward them just in the spirit of spreading the news.

This lecture is also tomorrow:

Quakers are not generally big on putting one day above the others in terms of making things like Christmas or World Quaker Day somehow more holy than the rest. But today happens to be the day when I'm gathering these things, and putting them up here for world Quakers to see.

Happy World Quaker Day!

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I've been altogether way too quiet on this blog, and it definitely has not turned out to be what I envisioned, but I guess I'll keep...