Thursday, December 15, 2022

Quaker pamphlets

I am working on updating the Quaker pamphlets. Called "Beginner's Guide to Quakerism," they were really Maurine's idea, and now that she's passed along I can do them with her spirit in mind.

There are several problems, and one is that the postage is complicated. I think I will do a test run and send ten, and simply ask what happens when I send more, or farther, etc. I can't seem to glean a clear idea of postage from the USPS pages, that will tell me, for example, what a package of ten or twenty might cost, sent to the coast.

We have a new and hearty printer that might be able to handle color covers. If so, I will try. I don't really believe it will raise the price that much. With typical Quaker stinginess, I hesitate to put color in there, but it's kind of understated, and doesn't really upset the austere graying image of the meeting house on the cover.

I will keep you posted! Also I will get some of these pamphlets posted. The first step is to make some, and send them!

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I've been altogether way too quiet on this blog, and it definitely has not turned out to be what I envisioned, but I guess I'll keep...